Student Allegedly Attacked Female Basketball Player Because Her Hairstyle Was 'Cultural Appropriation'
Braids aren't for white girls.
Authorities charged a Hampshire College student with assaulting a member of Central Maine Community College's basketball team over a dispute about cultural appropriation. Really.
The Hampshire student, 20-year-old Carmen Figueroa, allegedly started a fight because the basketball player had braided her hair in a manner that upset Figueroa. She walked up to the visiting player—during a basketball game—and demanded that the player remove the braids from her hair, according to
Figueroa is a female student of color. The basketball player was a member of the women's team. Her ethnicity is not stated in news articles, though it seems likely she's either white, or belongs to some other race whose members aren't allowed to braid their hair Latina-style, according to Figueroa's world view.
Here's how the encounter unfolded. The Daily Hampshire Gazette reports:
When the players did not comply and began to leave the building, Figueroa allegedly initiated a fight towards one of the players. At the same time, another unknown Hampshire College student pulled the hair of a visiting women's basketball player causing her to fall to the ground, according to court documents.
While the player was on the ground, police allege that Figueroa kicked and stepped on the player causing injury.
Another Maine player attempted to protect her fallen teammate but Figueroa "grabbed her by the head and threw her to the ground," according to court documents.
In court last Friday, Figueroa pleaded not guilty.
I realize that most accusations of cultural appropriation do not end in violence. (Some do.) But it's a ludicrous belief, even when not backed up by force. Who is teaching these liberal students that they have the right to bully people for dressing and styling themselves in imitation of other races? Who is peddling the absurd notion that the right to wear braids, or hooped earrings, or sombreros, or geisha costumes belongs to some people, but not to others? Shouldn't Hampshire College be fostering liberal, cosmopolitan values among its students?
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More leftist fascism (is there any other kind).Cultural Appropriation is not a thing, anyway. It is a made up religious belief, just like their original sin (privilege)
I'm sure other outlets will report that as "dispute leads to altercation", just like when the lefties show up at Trump rallies, initiate violence, and the Trump fans fight back, the media report it as "violence at Trump rally" (and then only quote the far lefties).
Calling it a made up religious belief is an insult to religious beliefs. Religious beliefs are at least internally consistent. Cultural appropriation isn't even that. It is completely insane. Wild animals have more rationality than campus leftists.
Religious beliefs being internally consistent is a wee bit of a stretch, but otherwise I concur about your views on appropriation.
It is a completely bigoted and, in many contexts, racist notion. It goes against, what was supposed to be good about America as a nation based on an idea ratheer than blood.
Figueroa allegedly initiated a fight towards one of the players.
No, Figueroa attacked one fo the players. Do they just not teach English in schools anymore?
see my comment about "violence at trump rallies", not "leftist thugs commit terrorism"
Do they just not teach English in schools anymore?
This is Hampshire College, a place that would make UC Berkeley look like an Alt Right rally, so no...After all, English is the evil tongue of white imperialists.
Was Ms Figueroa wearing pants? Does Ms Figueroa write? In English? Occasionally ride in a car? Isn't that "Cultural Appropriation"?
Tell her to stop appropriating the white male sport of basketball.
What a bunch of pathetic little baby shit whiners.
Indeed, I demand that all persons who are not white male English-speakers stop appropriating sports invented by white male English-speakers -- not just basketball, but also football (whether American, Association, Australian, Canadian, Gaelic, or Rugby), baseball, hockey (both field and ice), cricket, tennis, or many, many others.
Further, such sports that actually are left must be played without jockstrap or hard cup, since they were both invented by white male English-speakers.
I assume it's a hate crime to point out that playing the Mesoamerican ballgame of ?llamaliztli or pitz with severed human heads and limbs is definitively 'theirs'.
So they had this Holi festival here in Seattle, from the pics I saw from ex-wives and what not, it looked like a whole lotta white folks involved. Was that cultural appropriation?
Best I can tell, most of the people who show up for those somehow manage not to be self-righteous pricks, so no.
Another Maine player attempted to protect her fallen teammate but Figueroa "grabbed her by the head and threw her to the ground," according to court documents.
I'm very disappointed in this basketball team's ability to, well, team up.
Yeah. Figueroa should have been meat paste.
Perhaps the truth is that those white chicks don't deserve to wear braids.
Who is teaching these liberal students that they have the right to bully people for dressing and styling themselves in imitation of other races? Who is peddling the absurd notion that the right to wear braids, or hooped earrings, or sombreros, or geisha costumes belongs to some people, but not to others? Shouldn't Hampshire College be fostering liberal, cosmopolitan values among its students?
Who do you think? Their professors. The faculty at these places and the various professional victims who inhabit college campuses are behind this. The woman in this story has all of the maturity and intelligence of a spoiled autistic ten-year-old. She is an adult and I hope they lock her up but her parents and teachers and pretty much every adult in her life failed her growing up. They filled her head with complete nonsense and treated her no better than a trained monkey as she learned to spout such nonsense on command. The more idiotic and outrageous she acted, the more she was rewarded. Well now as a result of the anger, ignorance and poor impulse control this environment instilled in her, she has gone and likely committed a felony and done real and lasting damage to her life as well as victimizing an innocent person. Way to go Progressives. You really are doing your part to make the world a better place.
they are not bullying. They are terrorists. They are using violence to enforce a political ideology.
from - Terrorism
the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
They are absolutely terrorists. They are also, intellectual and emotional children. Dangerous children but children. Whatever the result of all this, it won't be a good one for people like this woman. The Progressives have completely fucked these people over.
Hopefully the judge is sane, and doesn't buy "but she was wearing braids!" as an excuse.
Oh please. Now you're being even more histrionic than them. Grabbing someone by the hair because one is a megalomaniacal douche bag isn't 'terrorism.' That word is already overused.
Illegitimate violence for political ends is terrorism.
Premeditation is required for it to constitute terrorism. I would also say a level of severity (like intent to cause serious harm at least if not kill) must be reached to warrant use of the word 'terrorism.' Slapping a MAGA hat off of someone's head isn't 'terrorism' any more than tapping someone on the shoulder to get their attention is assault and battery.
Expect a lot more of this. Especially if it isn't punished.
I agree. And on college campuses, it won't be punished. No one as far as I can see has been punished for what happened at NYU or Berkeley. Eventually, they will get bold to venture off college campuses and lefty enclaves. When that happens, they are going to end up in jail or in the hospital or if they are not lucky, dead. They have no clue the consequences of actual violence. It is all just a game to them. They really don't think anyone is ever going to fight back or there could ever be any consequences to doing this. They are eventually going to find out just how wrong they are.
Have consensual sex and then regret it the next day? Not OK - rape. Pummel someone wearing braids who is white? That's fine. Now go have fun kids.
Honestly, nowadays I think it goes beyond professors. That's not to say there aren't a lot of them out there peddling this stuff, but I think a lot of young people latch onto these ideas via the Internet before even stepping foot on a college campus. And quite a few liberal professors have been caught in the crossfire recently for not being sufficiently radical (e.g. the lady who got assaulted at Middlebury, the Yale professors from a year or two ago, etc.).
Honestly, nowadays I think it goes beyond professors. That's not to say there aren't a lot of them out there peddling this stuff, but I think a lot of young people latch onto these ideas via the Internet before even stepping foot on a college campus.
Without. a. doubt.
Given the amount of unequivocal worship of Chocolate Jesus injected into gradeschool curricula, even impartial and balanced facts about the current administration, even assuming wholly impartial or strictly factual representation, probably seem disdainful.
Always a danger once you've stirred up the mob. If you can't stay on the cutting edge of outrage, you're liable to end up as prey yourself.
Which I wouldn't be surprised aren't even black in its roots.
Like dreadlocks.
The ignorance arrogance and stupidity is staggering. And to take to violence is taking it to a whole new level of retardation.
Remember this idiot?
I saw they were playing a community college and thought this was some ghetto thing behind blown out of proportion.
--Then --
I looked at the Hampshire College website. That place looks like a SJW version of an Al Qaeda training camp.
Sounds like the attack was based on someone's ethnicity. Doesn't that make it a hate crime, by the definition of the statute (which I am either too busy or too lazy to look up right now)?
Shouldn't the OCR be investigating?
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
That is right. Just because she said that she attacked the woman because she was white, doesn't mean that was the real reason. We can never know the real reason behind these things, unless of course a white person does it and then we know its racism no matter the evidence.
Some things are just unknowable.
Yep, it's a hate crime:
(1)Offenses involving actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin.?Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, willfully causes bodily injury to any person or, through the use of fire, a firearm, a dangerous weapon, or an explosive or incendiary device, attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin of any person?
(A) shall be imprisoned not more than 10 years, fined in accordance with this title, or both; and
(B) shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life, fined in accordance with this title, or both, if?
(i) death results from the offense; or
(ii) the offense includes kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill.
"Who is teaching these liberal students that they have the right to bully people for dressing and styling themselves in imitation of other races?"
This isn't really all that new. The only difference is that now their actions are being increasingly defended.
Maybe the answer is "Acts of stupid violence against other races are a feature of White culture ... or so you always tell us. Stop your cultural appropriation!"
One student at an obscure college allegedly attacked another over her hairstyle, proving that all college students are proggie monsters. Excuse me while I whip out this yawn.
From above: They are absolutely terrorists.
They just commit acts of violence to achieve a political purpose. We don't write the dictionary's we just read them.
What is it like to be as stupid as you are? Do the hatefulness and ignorance make it easier? Is that why you manage to not only be stupid but also utterly hateful and ignorant? I am always at the same time appalled but in some ways fascinated by people like you who seem to take pride in being amazingly stupid and angry at the world at the same time. You are like the intellectual version of an old school sideshow carny freak. You are the bat boy of rational thought. What a grotesque yet oddly fascinating being you are.
Don't engage DildO. He's too dumb for Vox, no need to kick such a pathetic soul
^ Reason's most unhinged Republican. What an embarrassment for them. idiot
There's more than one of these attacks on record. Hmm. Maybe it's not that isolated.
Yes, that's totally what Reason is asserting here, that all college students are proggie monsters. Had someone ripped off a Muslim's headscarf somewhere sometime, that would totally prove that Trump has ushered in an Age of Intolerance and everyone who voted for him is a racist and a bigot.
Not Reason, Reason's Republican chat monkeys and deplorables.
Interesting C.V.:
Just wow
Went to the comments, read the phrase "meaty piss fenders." Worth it.
The comments are golden:
"Ok is it me or is this chick the wrong race to be up set about cornrolls its not like the girl was selling oranges out of a shopping cart"
She looks "NeoRican", that is, bad Spanish speaking cafre with Puerto Rican roots that if she goes back to Puerto Rico her peers will reject her for being "from New York". When Puerto Ricans reject you because you're from New York and speak fucked up Spanish, but people in New York reject you because you look Puerto Rican and speak fucked up English, you tend to get defensive.
The term is cornrow. But I wonder how this person would react if she ever saw Bo Derek in "10".
That explains why she was able to toss around a couple basketball players.
Remember folks - Diversity Is Our Strength!
As mentioned above, if a basketball team can't defend itself from a single attacker ... they deserve to get their asses kicked.
What are they supposed to do, use Karate or Kung-fu? That's just more cultural appropriation.
You get a pass if your last name is Shaw.
Boxing. They didn't call 'em the Marquess of Queensberry rules fort nothing.
And how could they all not out run that chick.
As college students, the knew any attempt at defense would lead to expulsion for violence.
"Figueroa is a female student of color."
No she's not. She's a cunt.
But, "of color", right? RIGHT?!
Cunt of color.
So, a CoC?
Who is peddling the absurd notion that the right to wear ... hooped earrings ... belongs to some people, but not to others?
Certainly not Kennedy.
I know at this stage pleading "not guilty" is a formality, but I really want to know what her defense is.
Also, beyond parody.
Look you guys, she can wear braids if she wants, but she should expect to be assaulted because she's a racist. There are consequences for bigots like her, you know.
Honest condemnation of this assault must first condemn farmers who first created the concept of corn rows for planting, where the term was later appropriated to describe this hairstyle. What's the point of corn other than provoking in Trump's America
-Shikha, the queen of false equivalency
I wonder how her not guilty plea is going to work in practice. I am guessing this was done live and video taped in front of hundreds of witnesses. I somehow doubt not guilty by reason of cultural appropriation is going to be an effective defense.
Unless it's part of an insanity defense, since cultural appropriation is make believe.
Will be pled out long before it gets to that.
Shouldn't Hampshire College be fostering liberal, cosmopolitan values among its students?
Hampshire College? No. It should be teaching its students how to be farmers.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here; start by teaching them how to be hunter-gatherers.
Pippi Longstocking, watch your back!
For some fun facts about Hampshire College, see the Wikipedia entry-notably:
The college is widely known for its alternative curriculum, socially liberal politics, focus on portfolios rather than distribution requirements, and reliance on narrative evaluations instead of grades and GPAs. In some fields, it is among the top undergraduate institutions in percentage of graduates who enroll in graduate school. Fifty-six percent of its alumni have at least one graduate degree and it is ranked 30th among all U.S. colleges in the percentage of its graduates who go on to attain a doctorate degree (notably first among history doctorates).
No wonder I have never encountered any of their alumni out in the working world / private sector.
I hope none of you wore green last Friday! You know how those Irish-Americans guard their culture from outsiders.
Was it a hate crime if I wore orange?
Back in Junior High School, I actually in inadvertently wore orange on St. Patrick's day.
One of my teachers made me wear a jacket after a student complained.
(This was back in the 1980s)
Ironically, I'm Irish American. Like 1/8 anyway.
To be sure.
"Figueroa is a female student of color." But of course.
People who are not People of Color ought not to use violence, because that really would be cultural appropriation.
Dang, what's with all the bigots on a libertarian site?
Yeah, you said it - and then add all the virtue-signalling complainers. This place is becoming twitteresque.
If this is the level of intelligence of twenty-somethings, maybe they deserve the tax raping they will get.
I'm almost certain she's told a man "you should never hit a woman" at some point.
Hypocrite much? Enjoy your aggravated assault conviction, missy. As my high school government teacher used to say, "They use broom handles and mop handles."
This is so crazy 🙁 They are 20 years old, they should be understand more about this problem. Where is the heart?
I missed the part where the Title IX committee got her expelled for attacking a female. That was in there, right?
If Carmen Figueroa was wearing clothes, would that not be considered "cultural appropriation"?
After all, the wearing of clothes is what distinguishes animals from humans. Seems to me to be somewhat presumptuous on her part.
Presumably, Figueroa is a female student of color. So is English her native language, or is anything she says in English also "cultural appropriation?"
How about her living in America, is she native American or is that also "cultural appropriation?"
A large part of the richness of the English language comes because it includes, adopts many words from foreign sources, is its richness also "cultural appropriation?"
This all shows crass stupidity, Figuaroa's stupidity as well as those of anyone claiming "cultural appropriation"...