New Jersey May Ban Cat Declawing, EEOC Filed 40 Percent Fewer Cases, Return of the 'Liberaltarian'?: A.M. Links
Gerard LACZ / VWPics/Newscom Donald Trump says he'll require anyone who works on his transition team or in the coming Trump administration to agree not to work in lobbying for at least five years after leaving the government.
- The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed almost 40 percent fewer cases in fiscal year 2016 (which ended September 30) compared with the previous four fiscal years.
- New Jersey lawmakers want to make it a crime to get your cat declawed.
- A California judge issued a tentative ruling early Wednesday in favor of CEO Carl Ferrer and his co-defendants but will hear more information from both the state and the defense.
- "Facebook has never claimed to be a free speech platform," says NPR. "The company is trying to create a safe space where, unlike Twitter, people can share without being trolled or shamed."
- A former teacher who gained notoriety in the 1990s after being fired for transitioning from male to female has confessed to three murders in Oakland, California.
- Students for Liberty and New Republic advocate "a return of the 'liberaltarian.'"
- Here is the best thing you will read about the election outside of
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