Another Day of Explaining What Trump Said, More Polling Shows Youth Voters Turning to Third Parties, Bad Sex Reporting at the Olympics: P.M. Links
AL DIAZ/TNS/Newscom Today in deciphering Donald Trump: Does he literally mean that President Barack Obama founded the Islamic State or does he mean the way the president has handled Iraq and the Middle East helped lead to the rise of ISIS? (It seems completely obvious that he means the second, but he told Hugh Hewitt that he meant literally, and so this is where we are as a country.)
- Here's some more evidence that dissatisfaction with Hillary Clinton as a candidate pulls younger voters toward third party candidates like Gary Johnson and Jill Stein. Trump also loses some young voters, but mostly to Johnson, not Stein.
- A $12 minimum wage initiative has made the ballot in Colorado.
- The always terrible "Isn't it remarkable how much sex Olympic athletes have?" journalism beat hit a new low today when a heterosexual reporter over at The Daily Beast used a gay hook-up app to connect with several athletes and apparently provided enough information about them to make it possible to identify who they were. The resulting outrage caused some edits to the story. Keep in mind some of these athletes are from countries where gay sex is still illegal.
- Seattle has implemented a pioneering (note that "pioneering" doesn't mean "good") new rental law that requires landlords to accept the first applicant that meets their basic requirements for renting and is not allowed to choose between several interested parties. Just wait until they adapt that law for hiring new employees!
- The American Civil Liberties Union is challenging a South Carolina law that makes "disturbing a school" a criminal offense as unconstitutionally vague.
- The former Gawker editor who reported about the Hulk Hogan sex tape is facing having his own assets frozen as a result of the privacy lawsuit against the now bankrupt media empire. Note that it's extremely unusual for an employee of a media outlet to be held personally financially responsible in a case of libel or defamation. Gawker's lawyers are not representing him.
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