Former Kentucky Constable Accused of Running Prostitution Ring for Police and Lawmaker Friends
The enterprise allegedly hired women and teens to service powerful clients.
![Large image on homepages | Franklin County Regional Jail](
A "prostitution ring" in Kentucky's capitol city may have shared a lot more than proximity with powerful state officials. The operation, allegedly run by former Franklin County constable Thomas Banta, is accused of servicing a roster of local legislators and police officers.
Banta, 67, was indicted in early May on suspicion that his company, Banta Security and Investigations, had a healthy side business in the sex trade. He's charged with five felonies, including promoting prostitution, kidnapping, and impersonating a peace officer. The latter two charges stem from an alleged 2015 incident in which Banta and an associate supposedly approached a 17-year-old boy under the guise of being police detectives, then abducted him. The teen claims they interrogated him for more than two hours about a burglary that took place next to an apartment where his grandma lived, and also pressured his relatives while pretnding to be police.
Banta—who served as an elected county constable from 2011 through 2014—plead not guilty to all charges, as did his alleged associate, Hendra "Dre" Chanault Valentine.
The case does contain a few red-flag details, such as a claim by one woman that, under Banta's direction, she had appointments with 15 to 20 clients per day, twice a week, and was once offered $500 to have sex with a dog.
According to the Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting, documents filed with the Franklin County Circuit Court say that clients of this operation included local politicians and police officers, though no one in particular is named. The individuals who said that Banta managed them were adults, though one claims she was in eigth grade when Banta first started paying her to have sex with him and others.
Interestingly, none of the Ketucky media that have reported on the story have been throwing around terms like "sex trafficking," despite the possible link to at least one underage woman. I guess it's only sex trafficking when former government officials aren't involved.
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Unfortunately trying to prosecute these guys is now a hate-crime.
Kentucky's capitol city
Still carrying a torch for Nikki, eh?
I actually had to look that up. Well pedanted, sir.
Sorry, but I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.
*puts binoculars away and zips up pants*
*puts binoculars away and zips up pants*
You can't see anything from behind anyway.
Palin's Buttplug would argue that that is the best view.
What happened to her? Haven't seen her in a minute.
Couple weeks. Hope to see her back soon.
No capitol is the correct spelling here.
impersonating a peace officer
Like most cops.
That sounds a lot like human trafficking.
I learned from Justified that Constables are just lovable, Barney Fifeian characters. The truth is far less fun.
Some Constables are likable.
Here's another one.
Damn, beat me to it.
Although, I remember Odo being a little disturbing in his..zeal. Which turned out to be his expression of the Founders' fascistic tendencies, except that he actually cared about finding actual perps instead of finding the near convenient scapegoat, which is more than could be said of much of modern policing.
This dude is actually running for the libertarian presidential nomination, right?
I'm surprised they released his mug shot.
Then again, he *is* a former, not current, constable.
Hendra "Dre" Chanault Valentine
Sounds like an Elmore Leonard character.
Which is cool, because this sounds like an Elmore Leonard subplot.
He's got that 'whaddya gon'do'bout it' grin going.
The grin, maybe. But the eyes are saying "watch your back son, cause I'll bury your body where they'll never find it."
Anyone want to bet there is something less than five degrees of separation fro old Slick Willy?
NOT Snowflakes
Pshaw, it's only uphill *one* way.
The Communist Part of China has been so good to these children!
I would like two breasts and a pair of thighs please.
Not this time of year. C'mon.
Holy hells, at the top of that mountain there'd better be a monastery and a badass training montage.
OK. Knock this shit off. Your identity crisis is your own problem.
Meh. 5.4 at best.
OT 2:
Awww, isn't that sweet
What I want someone to do: Chop up a bunch of Katie Couric clips and assemble them in a way that makes her look like a deranged idiot.
You don't need to chop up Couric clips to do'd be more impressive if someone could chop them up so she actually looked smart.
I think 5 minutes of continuous roll would cover that.
You haven't seen this?
Missed it. Not bad.
Holy shit.
Thats how you diss someone = make them taste their own medicine.
I blasted one out to that.
Well done, Reason. I'm going to donate enough to refuse the invite to the retreat this year.
Huh ?
Shorter Kaite:
Nice whachacallit.
What horseshit. That's an attempt to change the facts while pretending to be 'sorry' for some lesser sin.
- It involved editing someone's sentences. You cut them out.
- it was a factual error. It presented a non-response instead of what they actually said.
- Saying "could have been avoided" pretends that a conscious decision was in fact inadvertent. It was an intentional decision to change what actually transpired.
She shouldn't live this shit down.
Its such a bullshit evasion, they won't even attribute WHO is making this bullshit defense so they can be free to change their spin at any time.
Well said.
From this article:
Yeah, and, in my experience, "shit-riddled anal wasteland" is the term used to describe hack documentary directors that support and engage in deceptive editing to push an agenda.
See how that works, Danny-boy?
That's... not... inserting a pause... you mendacious twat... that's flagrantly misrepresenting the facts.
I'm given' her all I've got, captain!
OT: Meanwhile, Europe continues to improve its economic prospects with immigration, which is always and forever a good thing.
Twenty children and three wives? I smell a reality TV show.
Accent on "smell"! Thank you, I'll be here all week!
More dickhead cops!
Don't read if you like dogs.
Tom & Jerry taught me that Satan is a large dog. He's not going to be happy about this.
Looks like someone is trying to build their very own zombie army
Who would win in a battle between a zombie army and an orphan army?
"The case does contain a few red-flag details, such as a claim by one woman that, under Banta's direction, she had appointments with 15 to 20 clients per day, twice a week, and was once offered $500 to have sex with a dog."
So you don't think it's plausible that a cop would pimp a woman out to have sex with a dog?
You poor naive fool you.
dogs dont have $500 and if they did they would spend it on milk bones and not boning human women
See, kids, this is what *real* racism looks like.
So apparently, a few protesters at the Trump rally in San Diego took some swings at cops. Apparently, they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. I wonder how long before one of them gets killed?
I'm coming round on trump. If he gets a few communist shot, it'll be more good than Obama did in the last 7 years.
At least it will get media attention.
The cretins were showering police with bottles and burning Trump merchandise. I'm not a huge fan of police, but come on.
I'm no fan at all of cops, I'm just trying to point out what idiots these people are. One of the reason I don't like cops is that they're always killing people for a lot less than this. One of the dummies is going to wind up dead soon enough.
I've been meaning to link this for about a week. The State Department got all up in the Frogs' face in addition to the whiny Twitter Indians:
U.S. laws prohibiting the sale of Native American ceremonial items hold no weight in France.
and NPR
Other than the jacket advertised as partially constructed from human remains I believe you could legally purchase and re-import any of this stuff. The auction house is going to make damn sure the provenance predates the UN antiquities treaty (1970, IIRC) so NAGPRA (1991) isn't going to be an issue. The only possible snag (other than falsified provenance) is if something could only have come from federal lands after 1906.
Peruse the catalogue and register to bid here
The Mogollon effigy axe/celts are really cool and the estimates aren't too high for what they are.
Sure, if you want to star in a remake of Poltergeist, go right ahead.
A relevant revenant.
Gah!! ghost baby!
I assume naming names is the next step.
Hookers? Kentucky? Please don't be on any lists Rand, please don't be on any lists...
Does Rand look like he needs to pay for it? It's the hair, man.
OK, who is Michael Robertson and when did Groovus reappear (and is he OK?)
He's ok, and has a bunch of kids.
"has a bunch of kids"
Fast mover, GM is...
He is some libertarian businessman. I'm guessing he owns the comment system.
New York City-based company says its commenting platform provides a new source of revenue and makes comment moderation affordable.
He (or Reason) really misjudged the commenters. I've seen it used maybe a dozen times, mostly as a joke. And I'm guessing those were freebies.
Yep, freebies. And I still have 72 points to splurge. SUCKERS.
Oh, but the premium comments get an edit button? This is BULLSHIT.
Your "free" (read communist) commenting has less Liberty than your "capitalist" (read free market) commenting system. It's a meta lesson from Reason.
You should have misspelled "bullshit" just to make the point clearer
I am not a clever man.
"He (or Reason) really misjudged the commenters."
Someone else did, too. In the Amazon ad just above the comments, they're pitching puff-books on Bern and Fauxcahantus.
Probably cause you read all the time. My add is for meth addict rehab.
My work internet is proxied through Oklahoma, and for some reason I get nothing but dating ads for Chinese girls.
I'm sorry that it's a private company. Otherwise, I'd own their copy machine and secretary by now.
The guy invented the renowned music trading megasite! We're talking real money here.
For me. By shorting.
There is an amoral clot in Mr. Chiclet's noggin so deftly projected into his grottoesque gray rivulets by the shrill superiority of the flawless brotherhood of spit-shine smugness that for a brief niche in time Mr. Chiclet assumed the ethereal armor his lecherous ilk don daily would provide its expected super-duper impenetrability.
However, blinded by his fraternally-refined disdain for integrity and ethics Mr. Chiclet ignored common sensibilities required to gainfully engage the tender qualities of mini-skirted slinkies gifted in the slippery arts of mining sperm within the pregnant shadows of cloaks and laws.
Mr. Chiclet, your copper blueness retarded your fucking cognition and this is as it should be. The daft brutes and junked slobs of law enforcement should be held to standards far above the reams of legality rammed into the anal cavities of common American submissives who play favorite check-marks with menacing political professionals wearing stiff shirts propping floppy jowls glistening odd glances jittering over beading upper lips dappled with wrinkled guilt tumbling with vowels riffing hypocrisies and falsities.
AC!!!!! Where you been, man?
AC is both everywhere all the time and never anywhere. Space time is just a minor annoyance for AC. Last time I saw him was in a sharp bend in the river north of Ashland, KY. We were being pursued by an army of killer bullhead catfish with laser beam eyes.
Nice. If you two ever land in Denver in the year 2016, look me up. I'd love to join the raft trip down the Mighty Mississippi of space-time.
I haven't been out there for a while, but would love to visit again. I hear you guys got some legal bud.
AC has to return to his homeworld to rejuvenate before he can bring us the next truthluge.
Just saw the video of DePaul protesters interrupting and supposedly assaulting Milo.
Keep you Milo fetish to yourself!
Milo to SJWs: "If you cut me down, I will become more trollish than you can possibly imagine."
I think his trolling accomplishes something regardless of whether you think he's serious or not.
namely, he shows other people how the crybully thing only works when you *let them get to you*
I've always wondered why no one ever just said, "Fuck off = i don't care". Well, here he is.
that said - i can still see some downsides to his act becoming more popular.
whats silly is that these statements are "controversial"
Well, that's what you call some well deserved getting your asses trolled.
You like dudes? I know a guy.
Speaking of that, I've been spending time reading Lucy's twitter feed.
Goddamn, I miss that woman. I would bear all her babies.
Do you even eat ass, bro?
We're friends here. If you want the Groats, just say so.
You like that extra dressing
Appropriated, because I also had McDonalds tonight. I've missed it since the airport.
Mickey D's also servers scotch.
Go home Pl?ya. You're drunk.
I'm not. Yet. But I'm tired. And horny.
If she uses dog face filter, she's a ho.
Lol, the Groats are great. I mean, that doesn't mean I approve of this message, no matter how great that ass is...
The Economist calls the Libertarian convention:
"Mr Johnson and his running-mate, Bill Weld, a former governor of Massachusetts, are expected to emerge from the Libertarians' convention in Orlando on 30th May with the party's ticket."
"expected" by whom? The Economist? I did not realize they had their finger on the pulse of the LP.
I hope it's McAfee. Weld? Lol, please, if that's a libertarian, I'm an ostrich.
McAfee is batshit insane, and I approve. This is the craziest election in my life, with the craziest candidates. If the LP can't out-crazy the Donkephants, then "libertarian" doesn't mean what it used to.
It's not insanity, it's sanity viewed through the lenses of a world gone insane.
In a world gone mad, yer so bad
That's the problem, libertarianism isn't crazy, whatever its detractors say. It's merely boring.
Yes, Johnson is expected to emerge tonight. Stay tuned.
I hope not
Megan is interviewing a trans something on Fox, lol. I think it's overdosed on botox.
There's your first mistake
It's a slow, slow Friday night on H&R. Everyone hitting the road? Man, by 4pm this afternoon the traffic was already horrific here in Balmer. I'm spending the weekend at home with me. Me and me are going to chill and whatever.
You're going to Netflix and chill with yourself?
That only takes about a minute
That's a compliment on his efficiency.
I don't do Netflix so much anymore, I usually use my Amazon prime videos.
I'm looking at a great weekend.
Weather be damned. It doesn't matter. Life is good.
I picked up one of these for memorial day, but I don't think it will be here in time.
Is the woman sold with the umbrella stand as a 2-for-1 deal, or do you have to purchase the umbrella stand separately? the kind of joke which has no place in civilized discourse.
Did you get the liberty?
Perfect stripes. I'm not a candy stripper (misspelling intentional).
Everyone has that, and I want to be able to find my family in a crowd.
I want to be able to find my family in a crowd.
You're a very different father than the one that raised me.
Lie down on this couch and tell me what's bothering you.
What does your couch have ankle and wrist restraints?
I'll be at the bar
There's my dad!
I think I might know you.
Hyperion|5.27.16 @ 9:34PM|#
"It's a slow, slow Friday night on H&R. Everyone hitting the road?"
The way the squirrels were patrolling earlier, some folks prolly got fed up.
Last year I made the vow to cut my contribution by some amount each time the site wasn't working. I did; Reason ended up with about half of what they got the year before.
Its a good idea to them in the wallet; it should get attention.
I hope Welch and Doherty are enjoying their colloidal silver cocktails right now.
Did they turn into smurfs yet?
Why Work for Welfare Doesn't Work
"...The orientation of public assistance around work is a long-held vestige of how we assign responsibility for one's poverty. There are, we think, those who are "deserving of assistance"???children, the elderly, people with disabilities???and those who are not: the able-bodied poor, or, really, those who are expected to work. This is not a new idea in America: Cotton Mather (Puritan minister circa 1700) summed up this view quite succinctly when he wrote, "For those who indulge themselves in idleness, the express command of God unto us is, that we should let them starve."
"This way of thinking continues today, and it informs our policy. Perhaps invoking the ghost of Cotton Mather, Representative Steve Southerland of Florida once told a woman who was at risk of losing her food assistance, "I believe that if you are going to eat, you should bring something to the table."...
"Hunger isn't an incentive to work; it's a barrier to work. The purpose of public assistance programs should be to help people overcome the multitude of barriers that exist in their lives, not to hurt them by setting up new ones. But we can't do that until we recognize that those barriers are there, and that our perceptions and policies based on stigma and stereotypes are keeping them there for much more than three months every three years."
Let's just get rid of welfare. We collect so much taxes, just give every adult a living wage and fire the entire bureaucracy. Pay for the rest of it by eliminating all of the other bureaucracies. Then there's no pressure to do anything, unless you want more. Then you get off your ass and earn it, or you aren't getting one more cent. Now no one is starving and you've restored incentive at the same time. Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is a best solution, but it's much better than a welfare state backed by an enormous bureaucracy.
I could almost support a universal wage, except you will have people blow their monthly check by week one and bleeding heart people will say "it's not their kids fault, give them X program!" You'll have monthly checks, plus bureaucracy.
No more for kids. Birth control is a real thing.
I'm for no handouts, but your fellow man is very generous with your wallet.
You don't have to convince me. What I'm saying is that I'm in favor of a minimum income and eliminate the bureaucracy. We have to get back to an incentive based society and eliminate corruption. It seems like we're moving in the opposite direction.
I've seen enough episodes of Springer to notice that some people are unaware of such a thing.
They aren't aware of our supposed system of government or that Oakland is a city in the United States either. It's a failure of our public education system, which needs to be eliminated because of decades of failure.
I love this:
Obama calls on world to morally evolve
Man in the mirror, asshole.
Article from Wisconsin Public Radio
"A History Of African-American Gun Advocacy ? And Why It's Never Talked About
"Book Traces The Often-Untold Story Of Black Americans' Relationship With Firearms"
"Tubman is posed with a musket"
If you allow this, then everyone will think they need an assault weapon of mass destruction. I mean, look, we support the constitution and we think it's ok to own a musket, as long as you don't have any dangerous ammo for it, and you keep it locked up in a safe that only government officials have the combination to, but no one needs scary black guns that spray millions of weapons of mass destruction.
And I mean, seriously, why are you trying to encourage the good colored folk to become terrorists?
So HM, I've been meaning to ask. What is a good, neutral primer on transgenderism? I figured you'd know 'cuz, I mean... all the Thai ladyboy talk.
Sorry, I haven't a clue.
Bah. You're the one who's persuaded me most that it's a legitimate condition, or at least that gender is a malleable concept.
Really? I would have guessed Tonio.
If I remember correctly, we have at least 3 honest-to-goodness Transatarians on the board. Though, I don't blame them for being quiet these days.
I don't know what a transatarian is, but I do know Tonio has been consistent in his defense of trans dignity.
I recall one transgender person from a couple months ago, but they haven't been around lately.
What do you think of Stellaris? I have had very little time on that one, but it looks great.
I had reservations at first as I thought the lack of lore behind the fictional civilizations you create wouldn't get me as addicted as the alternative history of CK/EU, but that wasn't true. I created a race of militaristic iguana warrior monks and managed to spread Space Islam by force for arms to 2/3s of the galaxy before I won with a domination victory. Which brings me to my only criticism, if you play as an expansionist, the game is way too easy. Especially if you've cut your teeth on Paradox's other games.
Holy shit, dude, you are way far ahead of me. I don't have much experience with 4X games. My fav space game is Rebel Galaxy, which of course is more of an RPG. I also just grabbed SPAZ 2, which is more of a hybrid and I really like that. I need to get time to play some Stellaris though. Another space game I picked up is Starpoint Gemini Warlords, early access. It looks fantastic, but the controls are really weird for me.
Yeah, 4X is kind of my wheelhouse. My first PC game was Civ I. (Not my first computer game, mind you, had an Apple IIc before that...Capt. Goodnight, Centauri Alliance... good times). A lot of people have said Stellaris takes some time to learn, though it's the most accessible of Paradox's games. Take a day and play through a game and just get used to the systems before starting a game you want to try to win. I really can't comment on the diplomacy system yet as I decided to play like the Golden Horde my first time through. I'm currently starting a game with the "Star Trek" version humans. I'll let you know how it goes.
though it's the most accessible of Paradox's games. Take a day and play through a game and just get used to the systems before starting a game you want to try to win
Ok, thanks for the tips. The only strategy game I have much experience with is Heroes of Might and Magic, the first 5, which of course doesn't help one much with 4X. Looking forward to getting into it, seems challenging, but that's always good.
What the hell? I hope that's sarcasm. I just don't get it.
How do you mean?
No, I think the question is what do you mean. I'm not the one who made that statement. Sometimes it's hard to pick out sarcasm around here being as libertarians are so cynical and sarcastic.
I really am curious about the state of the science. When something becomes as politically charged as, say, climate change, or (just pulling this out of the air) transgenderism, I really have to question what it is we think we know. Especially when the solutions offered to us are drastic (like, say, cap-and-trade... or sex reassignment surgery) and not open for debate (like... well, you get the point).
I personally don't think we "know" nearly enough to be having these national conversations yet.
You clearly don't understand the purpose of a national conversation. The national conversation is when one side tells the other what we "know."
Lost here, no idea what you are talking about. Never mind.
Civic debate at its finest
Pack it in, boys. We're done.
"For you to ask our children to repeat the Declaration stating that all mens [sic] are free ? I think that's unfair," Norton continued, adding: "In 1776, Dr. King was not even born. African-Americans were in slavery, so since they were in slavery, the Declaration of Independence say we are 'all created equal,' we were not created equal because in 1776, July the 4th, I nor you nor any of us were born, nor was Dr. King born, so we were in slavery, and to have our children repeat again and again documents that were not even validated, I don't think that that's fair."
I can think of no adequate response at this time. I have to let this sink in.
Truth and morality is universal and eternal and often inconsistently applied.
Oh Louisiana, never change.
It made my head hurt to try and make sense out of that word salad.
Meh, don't single us out. State legislator is one of the dumbest species on the planet no matter what state you are in.
OT: I'll see your $2.7B and raise you $5B.
I bet I know where Irish is going for his summer vacation.
OT: Hipsters, ruining one kinda sorta still ghetto at a time.
TW: Multiple angles of derp.
It seems Yale doesn't have a concurrent majority on keeping the name of Calhoun College.
"We strongly request that you reconsider this decision and find a new name for Calhoun College before the start of the fall semester."
I humbly suggest "The Institution Formerly Known As Calhoun College" -- TIFKACC ("Tifkak") for short.
Look, Yale isn't a unitary entity, it's a union of colleges, of which Calhoun College is one.
No matter what the administration of Yale might say, Calhoun College retains its sovereignty and is entitled to choose its own name.
It can call itself Party Til You Puke College and the Yale administration would have no power to do anything about it.
The central administration at Yale should only involve itself in a few narrowly-defined issues like designing logos and dicking around with their Web site. The individual colleges should retain their full powers.
If the Saybrook Strip is wrong, I don't want to be right.
Eight of the twelve colleges are named after American slaveowners, a fact to which some Yale students and faculty have objected
And for Yale himself:
The records of this period mention a flourishing slave trade in Madras, a trade in which Yale participated. He enforced a law that at least ten slaves should be carried on every ship bound for Europe. In his capacity as judge he also on several occasions sentenced so-called "black criminals" to whipping and enslavement. When the demand began to increase rapidly, the English merchants even began to kidnap young children and deport them to distant parts of the world, very much against their will. At a time when profits from the slavetrade were dwindling and pressure from the Mughal government to stop the enslavement was mounting, the administration of Fort St George eventually stepped in and introduced laws to curb enslavement
Really? They named one of the residential colleges after Samuel Morse?
Wow, this is embarrassing.
Good thing we don't use Morse code much anymore because now it would have to be abolished.
And that site ignores Elihu Yale. Cowards.
Well they are building a new one for a black lesbian so that should quell the SJW's...not.
And one for Ben Franklin who rebelled against his lawful government (and his son!) to create a slave society...
Sounds like an edgy D-Day celebration
Shouldn't this be reported in The Daily Beast?
Sounds bad, but it's cats that's going to send your kids to hell.
/cat videos
Sort of cat-liike:
That would almost be cute if those little bastards didn't look like that asshole filching prick, the Hamburgler.
I don't know why this is such a big deal. You know these sex rings are much worse in the Middle East, right?
So, these sex rings... do you put those around your dick or through your vagina?
I got home and scrolled all the way to the end of this thread. Now I am exhausted. But I think there is one beer left in the fridge. The whole house smells like parsley. Don't ask.
It's good when the whole house smells like pussy.... oh, parsley, never mind...
That's not good. It's a trip to Urgent Care, in fact.
Parsley? That sounds really mellow.
That's cool, except it's more like:
Paaaaahrsley, Parsley,....Parsely, and Parsley
Welp, I've fallen out of love with Rosario.
I kid, I kid. Celebs will always be political morons.
She's cute, communism is going to work this time.
Yeah, it's rich hearing a wealthy woman with, shall we say, loose ties to the labor market champion a man who would utterly devastate it.
Would (get in a bathtub with a jellyfish).
I don't even know why I'm posting this, just cause:
Juke Joint Jezebel
I remember dancing to that in college.
This song is really deep when you stop to...*puff*...think about it
I wish we could all party together tonight, but since we can't, I'm gonna just leave this right here:
Put your hands where I can see
I hear that if you write a paragraph that sounds like a love child of SugarFree and Agile Cyborg, Michael Robertson will award you 100 points.
So Olivia de Havilland will be 100 on July 1. Should Reason celebrate her for her lawsuit against Warner Bros.? Or condemn for being in Gone with the Wind?
Should be also be condemned for cultural appropriation by being born in Japan and having a French name?
GWTW is the finest motion picture of all time.
The finest Movie of all time is Birdemic.
If only for that scene of what's-her-name in her underwear, yes.
I can see an argument for that. I'd put it in the top 20, at least. When classic Hollywood was hitting on all cylinders, they made some fantastic films.
So are you guys looking forward to Nate Parker's Nat Turner movie? Complete with advice from Mel Gibson (who played a slaveowner in The Patriot, interesting). Will it win all the Oscars after the Oscars so white controversy?
I'm looking forward to rewatching the Boondocks Catcher Freeman episode.
I'm still waiting for DeBlasio and Cuomo to advocate that New York and Albany change their names due to James II being the head of trading company that bought and sold slaves.
Go for it! Start agitating and see if you can get the SJWs worked up about it.
For Free Society and MWG:
From the 16th to the 19th centuries it is estimated that between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and Barbary slave traders and sold as slaves. Barbary pirates were based on that coast of North Africa ? what is now Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. Reports of Barbary raids and kidnappings of those in France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom and as far north as Iceland and the fate of those abducted into slavery in North Africa and the Ottoman Empire.[25]
And for those who want to argue that Washington, Jefferson and Madison, etc. weren't rebels who fought for to create a criminal slave state:
Slavery in the British Isles existed and was recognised from before the Roman occupation until the 12th century, when chattel slavery virtually disappeared after the Norman Conquest and was replaced by feudalism and serfdom.
San Diego State University faculty apparently waited for their students to leave for the summer before expressly endorsing violence against the university President:
"Students engaged in protest actions as a last resort, after unsuccessful attempts to meet with you to discuss what they justifiably viewed as an inadequate response to the flyers,"
The protest action in question
Fuck, some Canadians brains thaw out for 10 minutes and they come up with this. Poor guys, gonna wake up to Justin Beiber and Captain Zoolander.
Cut this shit out, or I'm going to send you to Bovine University.
Yeah, well, I'll send you to squid academy.
The second Rings movie should not have shown Gandalf vs. the Balrog. Maybe it was necessary to reintegrate him with the plot, but very few people, myself included at the time, know that Gandalf was himself a divine being on par with the Balrog and therefore an old magician battling this terrifying monstrosity was not in fact all that iniquitous a fight.
You know what? This series was in many parts really awful. Maybe irreparably awful. I remember thinking, some years ago, when I was involved with a FWB and we were midway through a marathon, that it's maybe too much an investment even for getting laid. And now I'm thinking it's too much an investment even for its own sake.
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