Paul Ryan Talks Economic Opportunity at CPAC, Eschews Trump Mention
How will the 2016 Conservative Political Action Committee deal with the Donald?
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan zeroed in on economic policy during his brief remarks to the audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday.
"Public officials must see what these harmful regulations are going to do to people living paycheck to paycheck," said Ryan. "Let's go to the root cause of poverty to break the cycle of poverty."
Ryan hailed welfare reform as something that would decrease unemployment.
"We have tens of millions of able-bodied adults who aren't working, who aren't looking for a job, or even getting training for a job," he said.
Perhaps more notable than what Ryan said was what he didn't say. There was no mention of politics, the election, or Donald Trump.
Ryan did mention his lack of a beard, though. Interviewer Carrie Shieffield thanked him for finally shaving it off.
Meanwhile, Trump has predicted he will get along great with Ryan—and if he doesn't, that's Ryan's problem.
"I'm going to get along great with Paul Ryan, and if I don't, he's going to pay a big price," Trump said during a speech after his Super Tuesday victories. [Related: Donald Trump Promises to Rule as Both Conciliatory Dealmaker, Tyrannical Dictator.]
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