Donald Trump

Donald Trump Promises to Rule as Both Conciliatory Dealmaker, Tyrannical Dictator

No Rick Scott endorsement yet, but will it matter?


Todd Kranin

Florida Gov. Rick Scott defied media predictions and declined to endorse Donald Trump (for the time being, at least), but it may not matter. Trump cleaned up on Super Tuesday. 

Trump celebrated by making a speech in Florida, followed by a question and answers session. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie stood behind him while he spoke, stoic and, in truth, looking a bit miserable.

Trump went straight for Rubio, who had a terrible Super Tuesday.

"I always liked Marco until about a week ago when he decided to go hostile," said Trump. "He decided to become Don Rickles, except Don Rickles has a lot more talent." 

Trump emphasized the fact that Rubo hasn't won any states so far. 

"They say the loser of the night was Marco Rubio," said Trump. "He hasn't won anything. You gotta be able to win something." 

During the Q and A, Trump provided clues as to what kind of president he would be: a conciliatory mediator who values procedure and compromise, and simultaneously an iron-willed strongman who will sweep aside all who stand in his way. 

"I'm going to get along great with Paul Ryan, and if I don't he's going to pay a big price," said Trump.

At this point, Ted Cruz, who picked up two states on Tuesday, is arguably better positioned to stop Trump than Rubio. But neither is in particularly good shape.