Mizzou Madness Continues, Trump Declares War on Starbucks, Another GOP Debate: P.M. Links
Reason TV The University of Missouri's School of Journalism is voting on whether to rescind Melissa Click's courtesy appointment. Click is the mass media professor who thwarted a journalist's attempts to interview and photograph activists at yesterday's rally.
- The Federalist's Sean Davis went in search of evidence that the swastika incident at Mizzou actually happened. He came away empty-handed. Draw your own conclusions.
- A Mizzou law professor: "Students, I support you. But I will not coddle you."
- WAR ON CHRISTMAS ALERT: Trump suggests boycotting Starbucks. Go here if this matters to you.
- Oh, yeah. There's a debate tonight.
- Bush will take another swing at Rubio.
- Bill O'Reilly and George Will are really going at it.
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