Hillary Wants to Classify Weed Same as Coke and Meth, Donald Trump Nets High Ratings for SNL, UFO over Los Angeles a Really Bright Naval Missile Exercise: A.M. Links
YouTube Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says she supports moving marijuana to Schedule II, which would put it in the same category as drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine.
- Saturday Night Live was hosted by Donald Trump, garnering the NBC show its highest ratings in four years.
- President Obama will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House today, their first face-to-face meeting in more than a year.
- A police officer in Jordan shot and killed two Americans at a U.S. facility for training Iraqi and Palestinian security forces before killing himself.
- A group of faculty members at the University of Missouri will participate in a two-day walk out in support of student protests against the school's perceived lack of response to incidents of racism.
- The regional government of Catalonia is moving forward on the process of secession from Spain.
- You can now book a hotel in Mogadishu online.
- Residents in Los Angeles freaked out over UFO in the skies but it was actually a naval exercise, over which people don't freak out.
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