Scott Walker Considers Wall on Canadian Border, Kanye West Announces 2020 Run, Space Probe Heads Into Kuiper Belt: A.M. Links
NASA The Federal Reserve is likely to raise interest rates by the end of the year, despite pressure by some observers to delay the move because of volatility in foreign markets.
- President Obama announced he would order Mt. McKinley in Alaska to revert to its Eskimo name Denali, ahead of a trip he is planning to the state next month.
- Jeb Bush is now polling below Ben Carson in the Republican presidential contest. Scott Walker, meanwhile, says a a wall along the U.S. border with Canada is a "legitimate" idea.
- After a deputy was shot and killed in Houston, the Harris County sheriff blamed "anti-police rhetoric." Authorities already have a suspect, who has been charged with capital murder.
- At the MTV Video Music Awards, Kanye West announced he'd be running for president in 2020.
- Neurologist Oliver Sacks died this weekend. So did Wes Craven, the horror filmmaker.
- The space probe New Horizons is headed for 2014 MU 69, a comet in the Kuiper Belt.
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