IRS Unilaterally Rewrites Obamacare, Senators Reach Iran Compromise, Crooked Educrats Get Prison Time: P.M. Links
~Pawsitive~Candie_N / Foter The Internal Revenue Service has been creatively revising the tax provisions of the Affordable Care Act all by itself. Congress can go home now.
- A compromise over dealing with Iran's nuclear program has been reached, say elephants and donkeys alike on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Lawmakers will reserve the power to review the agreement.
- Wealthy and connected Hillary Clinton is on her way to being Romneyed in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election.
- President Obama offered Iraq humanitarian support—but not so much in the way of military assistance—for its efforts in fighting ISIS.
- He also wants Cuba off the list of state sponsors of terrorism.
- A little down time in prison awaits some Atlanta educrats found guilty of inflating public school test scores.
- Florida's ban on adoptions by gay couples—already ruled unenforceable by the courts—was struck from the books by lawmakers.
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