Ferguson City Manager Resigns, ISIS Attacks Ramadi, Lindsey Graham Goes Full Palpatine: P.M. Links
Rep. Aaron Schock is hopeful he didn't break the law.
Star Wars Ferguson City Manager John Shaw is allegedly resigning.
- Inconsistencies surround the Hillary Clinton email scandal.
- ISIS and Iraqi forces do battle all week in Ramadi.
- Sen. Lindsey Graham made some interesting comments: "[H]ere is the first thing I would do if I were President of the United States: I wouldn't let Congress leave town until we fix this. I would literally use the military to keep them in if I had to. We're not leaving town until we restore these defense cuts. We're not leaving town until we restore the intel cuts." Scary.
- Rep. Aaron Schock is hopeful he didn't break the law. But he isn't the right man for the job, writes National Review's Charles C.W. Cooke.
- The (almost certainly unconstitutional) expulsion of two fraternity members for racist chanting at the University of Oklahoma is raising important questions.
- You can now play "Cards Against Humanity" online. That's kinda fun.
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