Mass Killings in Missouri, CPAC Continues, Net Neutrality Lawsuits Ahoy: P.M. Links
(The Simpsons)
The Simpsons A man killed seven people in a rampage in the small Southern Missouri town of Tyrone and then apparently killed himself.
- Leonard Nimoy, indisputably the most beloved of the actors from the original Star Trek series, died at age 83, wiping most discussions of llamas and dresses off of social media.
- The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) continued today, featuring speeches from Sen. Marco Rubio, Gov. Rick Perry, Sen. Rand Paul, and Donald Trump (one of these things is not like the others). Paul garnered some attention for playing up some of his libertarian bonafides, calling for "lovers of liberty to rise to the occasion," urging them to reject censorship, indefinite detention, and torture, attacking both Hillary Clinton over Benghazi and the decision to arm Syrian rebels. Watch his speech below:
- After a significant amount of bad publicity, Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Ill.) has repaid $40,000 from his personal funds for the Downton Abbey-influenced redecorations of his congressional office.
- A new round of negotiations have begun between the United States and Cuba to restore diplomatic relations.
- What's next for net neutrality? Lawsuits, obviously.
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