Greenpeace Ruined an Ancient Peruvian Landmark, Crazy Students Chased Peter Thiel Off Stage, Republicans vs. the IRS: P.M. Links
(Steve Maller)
Steve Maller Greenpeace has apologized for an unbelievable recent stunt in which activists desecrated the 2,000-year-old Nazca lines.
- Google is considered one of the best places to work. Too bad Spain is going to miss out.
- Angry students interrupted Peter Thiel's speech at the University of California, Berkeley. Thiel was chased off stage as a "Black Lives Matter" protest began.
- Reining in the IRS is a top priority for Congressional Republicans in the coming year.
- CIA Director John Brennan says we've had enough of all that silly transparency business. "Over the top transparency," he called it.
- The 2015 Golden Globe nominations were announced.
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