Obama to Shield Immigrants from Deportation, Pelosi Denies Any Knowledge of This Gruber Character, Planned NSA Reforms Applauded: P.M. Links
MIT President Obama will get right to work cooperating with the new Republican majority—right after he issues an executive order shielding up to five million immigrants from deportation.
- Who is this Jonathan Gruber? asks House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). He certainly had nothing to do with Obamacare! Ummm….Don't you remember citing him over, and over, and over again on the issue in the past?
- The White House is concerned about potential violence after a grand jury releases its decision on whether or not to indict Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown, but local officials want the feds to keep their distance.
- ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi released an audiotape in which he basically flips the bird to President Obama and the United States over airstrikes.
- Outgoing Gov. Mike Beebe (D) of Arkansas has a parting gift for his son: a pardon for a decade-old marijuana conviction. That's touching, but share the love, governor.
- Digital rights groups are encouraged by a Senate push to rein in the National Security Agency.
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