9/11 Anniversary Marked, Boehner Digs Obama's War Plans, Jobless Claims Rise : P.M. Links
Neon Tommy Americans mark the 13th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks—in part, by preparing to poke the hornet's nest some more with a stick.
- Give that man a rifle! House Speaker John Boehner thinks Obama's ISIS war plan is a swell idea. "He is the commander in chief, he made that decision. At this point in time, it's important that we give the president what he's asking for."
- Syria's Assad regime welcomes the U.S. government and its airstrikes to the war against ISIS. Hey, wait a minute…
- California's economy is expected to suck at least through 2016, according to UCLA economists. That can't possibly have anything to do with the state's penchant for strangling itself with red tape.
- Jobless claims were up last week—and revised upwards for the week before. But it's all trending positively, dontcha know.
- Those crazy Scots seem to have started a trend. Now Catalans want a chance at splitting from Spain. A vote is scheduled for November 9, though the central government is already huffing and puffing over the possible rejection.
- Republicans feel sufficiently comfortable about the prospects of holding Senate seats already in elephant hands to devote most resources to nabbing those held by the donkey party.
- Body cameras for tracking police officers' doings have become a hot and technologically innovative market.
- Over 20 Free Staters won major party primaries to participate in New Hampshire's general election.
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