Democrats May Face Midterm Drubbing, Inspector General Knew About VA Wait Lists, Libya Gets Even Messier: P.M. Links
Magharebia The Democrats continue to look like underdogs heading into the midterm elections. Although it's never safe to ignore the GOP's ability to rip defeat from the jaws of victory, the continuing fiasco that is Obamacare just may be weighing-down the donkey party.
- The Veterans Administration Inspector General reportedly knew about the possibly lethal waiting lists for care months before the scandal broke.
- Add Oregon to the list of states where a ban on same-sex marriages was struck down by the courts.
- Is "chaos-ier" a word? Because that's what Libya is becoming as the forces of a former general seize control of parliament and prepare to battle a rival militia.
- A New Hampshire police commissioner stepped down after using a racial slur to describe President Obama.
- Congressional Republicans consider giving schools, and students, relief from not-so-popular "healthy lunch" mandates. Apparently, the nutritional value gets a bit lost when the meal is tossed in the garbage can.
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