A.M. Links: House Approves Trillion Dollar Spending Bill, LAPD Testing Body Cameras, 2013 Hot and Wet
(miss pupik/flickr)
miss pupik/flickr The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a 1,582-page, trillion dollar spending bill.
- Computer security experts are warning the government that the Obamacare website is not protected from hackers.
- The DEA's chief of operations called state efforts to legalize marijuana "reckless and irresponsible."
- The LAPD is testing body cameras for 90 days with 30 cops who volunteered to wear them.
- The IMF's Christine Lagarde thinks this could be the year the global economy finally gets better.
- The French ambassador to the UN explained his country had underestimated the level of hatred between Muslims and Christians before intervening in the Central African Republic.
- 90 percent of Egyptians voted to approve the new constitution, in an election boycotted by the banned-again Muslim Brotherhood.
- 2013 was a hotter and wetter than average year in the U.S., according to government data.
- Oscar nominations were announced this morning. 12 Years a Slave, Gravity, and American Hustle lead in nominations, while Jeremy Scahill's documentary about U.S. covert warfare, Dirty Wars, also received a nomination. Maybe the First Lady will announce that winner this year?
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