Obama Attempting to Reverse Insurance Cancellations, Student Debt Passes $1 Trillion, Another City Considers Bankruptcy: P.M. Links


  • Today's P.M. links brought to you by Benjamin Franklin
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    President Barack Obama's solution to the disaster of the rollout of his signature Affordable Care Act is to allow insurers to uncancel customers' policies for a year. Insurance industry representatives worry this will make the problem even worse.

  • As of the third fiscal quarter, total student debt has surpassed $1 trillion. Good luck getting them to pay for your health care!
  • Desert Hot Springs in California may be the next city to declare bankruptcy, though they're trying hard to resist it.
  • School security spending is predicted to double to $5 billion by 2017 in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary shootings.
  • Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is threatening legal action against aides who told police about his drug use and drunken-driving. Snitches get stiches, guys!
  • Murderous Boston ganster Whitey Bulger has officially been sentenced to two life terms (plus five years).

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