Google Unhappy with NSA, Airlines to Become Gadget-Friendlier, NYC Nannies Harder on Tobacco: P.M. Links


  • You'll never have to stop candy crushing ever again.
    Credit: Jetstar Airways / / CC BY-NC-SA

    Google is very upset at the report that the National Security Agency has been tapping into data links from data centers in foreign countries.

  • Pretty much everybody has finally agreed that the rules against using tech devices on take-off and landing on planes are a bunch of bunk, and they will finally be removed. Eventually. Internet connections and calls will still be verboten.
  • The White House is sending aides to work with Senate Democrats to try to fix the whole Obamacare mess.
  • Mayor Cory Booker of New Jersey is now Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.).
  • A California judge has rejected a city's attempt to shut down a sriracha factory because of the smell.  
  • New Yorkers will soon have to wait until 21 to legally buy tobacco products. To buy them illegally, well, I know this guy … .

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