A.M. Links: Government Shutdown Looming, Chris Christie Appealing Gay Marriage Ruling, Popes John Paul II, John XXIII to Be Sainted
Vatican Lawmakers have until midnight tonight to avert a government shutdown. The House approved a continuing resolution over the weekend that would also delay Obamacare by one year.
- Governor Chris Christie will reportedly appeal a judge's ruling requiring the state to allow same sex marriages.
- Police in New York are blaming the suspension by a judge of stop and frisk for an uptick in shootings in the city.
- Up to 50 students could be dead in Nigeria in a mass shooting by suspected Islamist militants.
- At least 33 are dead in twin bombings that rocked Peshawar, Pakistan.
- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu doesn't want the U.S. or the rest of the world to trust the new Iranian president, warning that Iran will continue to seek nuclear weapons.
- The Vatican will saint Popes John Paul II and John XXIII next year.
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