Prominent Democrats Somehow Oppose Racial Profiling While Supporting Ray Kelly for DHS, Labor Participation Likely To Remain Weak, Virginia's Major Gubernatorial Candidates Are Both Real Pieces of Work: P.M. Links
David Shankbone Leading Democrats, including President Obama, are quite concerned about racial profiling and think Ray Kelly of stop-and-frisk fame would be a swell Secretary of Homeland Security. Hmmm.
- A survey of physicians finds negative opinions and widespread bafflement about Obamacare. Just like the rest of us!
- Unemployment numbers have remained less bad than they could be largely because of a weak labor participation rate. A new study says that rate is likely to stay anemic for at least another year.
- Oh, lucky Virginians! Republican gubernatorial candidate, Ken Cuccinelli, is being spurned by donors for his hard-line social conservatism while Democratic nominee, Terry McAuliffe, has been called out by PoitiFact for Pants-on-Fire untruthfulness about his opponent.
- Around the country, dozens of mayors have dropped out of Michael Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns over the jihad-level fanaticism and ability to make enemies he brought to the organization.
- North Dakota's new abortion restrictions are on hold, as a federal judge issues a temporary stay and calls the law "clearly unconstitutional."
- Police surveillance of a Kansas hydroponics store and a perhaps really, really unreliable field test for marijuana sparked a raid that uncovered … tomatoes! Why yes, the family is suing.
- The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, gave birth to a baby boy. Yay.
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