Civil Liberties

Gun-Friendly States Pitch Connecticut Manufactures on Relocating

And many companies are eager to move


More than a year removed from his failed bid for the Republican presidential nomination, Texas Gov. Rick Perry is now a headliner in a new and equally crowded campaign.

Perry and governors representing other gun-friendly states are aggressively attempting to lure gunmakers, suppliers and other vendors away from Connecticut and the surrounding region, which for generations has drawn much of its identity from the firearms industry.

Last month, Perry made one of the boldest public splashes so far, hosting gunmakers at a posh Hartford restaurant reception.

During his trip, one of the industry's iconic names, Colt, presented the visiting governor — otherwise armed with possible cash grants and low-interest loans — with a M1911 handgun.

South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard, a Republican, showed up the next day for meetings with Colt and Mossberg executives touting his state's proud hunting tradition, low taxes and a political culture aligned with gun rights advocates.