Eric Holder to Meet with the Media, IRS Leaders Did Sign Off on Investigations, Dems Pick Up a Governor: P.M. Links
Credit: emseearr / / CC BY-NC-ND Attorney General Eric Holder will be meeting with various Washington bureau media chiefs to discuss the government's surveillance of reporters in order to track down leakers. The meetings will, of course, be off the record.
- Further investigation shows that higher-ups at the IRS did indeed sign off on requests for more detailed information from conservative nonprofits seeking tax exemptions. The Cincinnati workers were not operating without the knowledge of the agency.
- Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee, once a Republican, now an independent, will continue his transition and join the Democratic Party prior to running for re-election.
- France's first legally recognized gay marriage was celebrated today, amid much fanfare. Imagine how disappointing it must be to be the second couple getting married.
- Nearly 40 percent of American households are now financially headed by women, either as the sole or the primary breadwinner.
- The former head of the Environmental Protection Agency, who had been the subject of an investigation for allegedly using private e-mail aliases to conduct agency business, has gone to work for Apple.
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