A.M. Links: Eric Holder Approved Seizure of Fox Reporter's Records, Boy Scouts Accept Gay Kids, Fold Your iPad (Eventually)
NATO Reportedly, 'twas Eric Holder, himself, who signed off on the seizure of Fox News reporter James Rosen's emails. No recusal this time, Eric!
- After taking the Fifth, IRS apparatchik Lois Lerner was placed on administrative leave, amidst calls for her (and other officials) to be fired for the targeting of conservative groups.
- The Boy Scouts have voted to accept gay scouts, but they're still not ready for gay scout leaders.
- The leader of a United Nations inquiry into the use of drones says he welcomes President Obama's speech vowing to keep killing people with drones, but to eventually wind things down.
- Insured losses as a result of the Oklahoma tornadoes may top $5 billion, say experts.
- Maine lawmakers follow the lead of Texas in moving to require warrants to track people's locations via their cellphones
- New developments in the printing of graphene-based electronic patterns may allow for foldable electronic devices in the near future.
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