
School Defends Expelling Student over Science Project

Maybe they should eliminate science classes in general as dangerous


By all accounts, Kiera Wilmot's science experiment gone wrong triggered just a tiny pop and a small amount of smoke at Bartow High School last week—but her tale is certifiably blowing up the Internet today. Thanks to Reddit and Reason, thousands have commented on Wilmot's story, many asking the same question: How could an otherwise model student be expelled and charged with a felony over an experiment that didn't even hurt anyone?

Riptide decided to call up the Polk County School District to find out. The answer: The letter of the law demanded it and school administrators believe kids should learn that "there are consequences to their actions."

We've also obtained a police report that indicates Wilmot mixed toilet bowl cleaner and aluminum foil—a combination that has inspired hundreds of YouTube videos and generally produces a fairly unimpressive explosion.