Reason TV Replay: Honor Flight Brings World War II Vets to See Their Memorial
Back in August, a documentary by Reason TV alumn Dan Hayes premiered to 28,442 people at Miller Park, breaking the world record for the largest movie screening. The film, "Honor Flight," was an outgrowth of an earlier Reason TV video Hayes produced for Veterans Day 2009.
Here is the orginal text from the November 11, 2009 video:
On Saturday November 7, 2009's Dan Hayes caught up with the Stars and Stripes Honor Flight from Wisconsin. Honor Flight is an organization that provides World War II vets and terminally ill patients from other conflicts free travel to Washington, D.C. to tour memorials.
Hayes talks with veterans who recognize that this is not only their first visit to the World War II monument, but may well be their last trip away from home. "Every day is a bonus," is the motto of Honor Flight and it's a sentiment that rings true for the men who fought and those of us who continue to benefit from their service and sacrifice.
For more information about Honor Flight:
Thanks to Joe Dean, Jane Dean, Mark Grams, Liane Baranek, The Gebauers, Cindy and Dave Haupt, Nancy and Steve Hayes, and all the guardians and the vets we spoke with Saturday.
Shot and edited by Dan Hayes.
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