
Romney Spent Much of Debate Agreeing With Obama

A love-fest of saber-rattling


President Obama and Mitt Romney spent most of Monday night disagreeing with one another during the third and final presidential debate, but there were a few instances where the candidates conceded they agree.

Most of the acknowledgments came from Romney, who has been attacked for doing little to differentiate his foreign policy positions from Obama's. All the Republican's instances of agreement with the president had at least one conservative commentator grumbling. "I am glad to know that [M]itt agrees with Obama so much. No, really. Why vote?" talk radio host Glenn Beck wrote on Twitter.

On bin Laden: "I congratulate him on — on taking out Osama bin Laden and going after the leadership in Al Qaeda," Romney said early on in the debate. Later, he added: "We had to go into Pakistan. We had to go in there to get Osama bin Laden. That was the right thing to do."