
30 years ago in reason


"A morally sound strategic policy would consist of a multilayered defense against ballistic missiles (both space-based and earth-based) coupled with a retaliatory capability designed specifically to destroy the enemy's military infrastructure. Harm to bystanders would be kept to an absolute minimum by appropriate warhead design."

'"Robert Poole Jr., "War and Morality"

"Illiteracy has now joined unwed motherhood, herpes simplex, and budget deficits as one of the nation's insoluble problems."

'"Samuel Blumenfeld, "The Victims of 'Dick and Jane'"

"I don't know what Oakland's going to do with the Raiders. They can hardly turn them into a freeway or run a railroad under them. God knows there's no oil under them. Are they going to put swings on their field or monkey bars? What I don't understand is, if you can condemn and obtain a football team, why didn't they try for the 49ers?"

'"Jim Murray, "Football Slaves"

'"October 1982