A.M. Links: Democrats Losing Hope in Obama, Greeks Stocking Up on Canned Food, Tropical Lakes on Titan


  • Democrats are starting to fear President Obama may lose. Maybe they didn't see all the polls showing Obama tied with Mitt Romney, Ron Paul and generic Republican. Still, it's only June. Except the perception (gut feeling?) looks like it's cutting into fundraising.

  • An NYPD cop was indicted in the killing of Ramarley Graham. Officer Richard Haste shot Graham as the teenager was flushing the small amount of marijuana he was chased into his grandmother's house for down the toilet. He faces charges of first and second degree manslaughter. Neighbors, meanwhile, are suing the city for trauma. Victory in the drug war is just around the corner!
  • Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, the former president of Tunisia, was sentenced to life in prison for suppressing protests during the Arab Spring, and I guess not for all the other shitty things he did? Irrespective, the decision was made in abstenia, the former dictator is in Saudi Arabia.
  • Greeks are stocking up on canned food ahead of an election between their tweedle dee, tweedle dum parties. Many expect Greece will exit the eurozone no matter the results of Sunday's election.
  • Tropical hydrocarbon lakes were found on Saturn's moon Titan in new images sent by NASA's Cassini spacecraft.
  • The Human Microbiome Project released findings of its census of microbes like bacteria, viruses and amoeba that live in the human body.
  • Matt Cain pitched the San Francisco Giants' first perfect game, striking out 14 along the way.

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