
How Santorum Sets the Devil Back in the Senate


I suspect that the results in Arizona and Michigan spell the end of the unfortunately named Santorum Surge or Santorum Bubble, but here's one more bit on the former senator from the Keystone State:

Santorum may have met Satan way back in the U.S. Senate:

The devil was in a bind, 'cause he was way behind and he was willin' to make a deal. He came across this junior senator from PA who was playing it hot, and the devil jumped up on a hickory stump and said, "Boy, let me tell you what (to vote for). I got this prescription drug entitlement bill and a labor union's dream. I bet you a pot of campaign gold against your soul you will take one for the establishment team."

"My name is Ricky, and it might be a sin, but I will take your bet, I am going to regret, 'cause I will be running for president again."

Ironically, the only one in the race who has not sold his soul for a fiddle of gold is Ron Paul. It's high praise for a man who really values gold – and the fiddle, too.

Read the whole thing, which is written by Ron Hart, and then watch Charlie Daniels play his fiddle below.

And honk if you think that the Debbil clearly wins the duel. If there is a god, Johnny ought to replace the chicken in the breadpan and be pickin' out dough for all eternity. IN HELL.