Between December 6-13, we held our annual webathon, where we were looking for 500 donors to underwrite our efforts to bring you the best in libertarian news, analysis, and commentary.
I'm happy to announce that we ended up with more than 500 donors and a bit over $70,000 in tax-deductible donations. We all know this is a tough economy that is not likely to get all that better any time soon (especially with the gang of idjits who are running the show on both sides of the aisles in D.C.). So your generosity is all the more appreciated.
We'll be contacting the folks who gave enough to qualify for an online profile and we'll be sending out the other swag too, ranging from signed copies of The Declaration of Independents to leather jackets and more. And we're working on setting the proper channels for those who get to ask Matt Welch and me anything, too…
Here are some of the comments that accompanied your donations:
I greatly enjoy your coverage of events / politics / culture / etc. from a libertarian perspective, and since I also dontate to NPR (whose editorial slant I disagree with more often than not), I figured I should donate to an organization that I agree with…
I really should not read this magazine - I get so depressed about the amount of stupidity that pervades our existence - don't start the revolution without me!!!…
Keep up the good work, wish I could help more….
Proud to support Reason and we will be bigger contributors after we finish paying for our kids' college 🙂 …
Thanks for all of the knowledge and debate. …
I really enjoy H&R and feel that I learn a lot from reading the posts and articles. It has spoiled me to the point that I can't tolerate the crap that passes for "journalism" that I see online elsewhere…
In 1 minute before the 9am deadline, unlike the Morning Links….
Again, thanks to everyone who read or participated in our online survey (the information will be used to revamp and upgrade over the coming months).
If you missed the webathon, there's still 10 days left in 2011 to give a tax-deductible donation to Reason Foundation, the nonprofit that publishes Reason mag, this website, and Go here for details.
While you go search for your pocketbook or wallet, why don't you sit back and listen to Reason's Remy playlist, featuring the hit of the season, "Grandma Got Indefinitely Detained (A Very TSA Christmas):
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