Reason Morning Links: Microsoft "Quietly" Comes Out Against Online Piracy Act, Sheriff Joe Throws Support Behind Rick Perry, Bloomberg Digs Into Secret Fed Loans to Wall Street


  • CNET: "Microsoft has long been one of the most ardent proponents of expanding U.S. copyright law. But that enthusiasm doesn't extend to the new Stop Online Piracy Act." 
  • Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio will campaign for Rick Perry in New Hampshire this week. 
  • Bloomberg: "Banks reaped an estimated $13 billion of income by taking advantage of the Fed's below-market rates" during the financial crisis. 
  • The lone Republican member of the National Labor Relations Board is threatening to resign to prevent the board from having a quorum; unions are seething. 
  • Muslim medical students in the UK join Christian evaneglicals in the U.S. in opposing teaching evolution in public schools
  • Speaking of science: More parents are foregoing vaccinating their children. 

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