
Don't Bail Out People with Student Loans! Nick Gillespie on Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano


On Tuesday, October 25, I was on Fox Business' Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano. The topic was the call by many Occupy Wall Street protesters for the government to forgive student loans and President Obama's interest in doing something on the matter.

I argue that forgiving student borrowers is a bad idea and merely continues the cycle of bailout economics that has been disastrous for the country.

About 5 minutes.

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Check out Reason's Occupy Wall Street (and LA and DC and…) video playlist. First up is Peter Schiff representing the 1 Percent in New York's Zuccotti Park. Also in the mix: Remy's Occupy Wall Street Protest Song, Cop Punches OWS Protester, Anti-Semitic Protester at Occupy LA, and many other hits: