It's Hard to Know Who's the Bigger Tool When it Comes to Lizard King Stories: Charlie Crist or The Media


Let's say you're a reporter and you've got to file copy and you got bupkus in your reporter's notebook. Why not call up outgoing Florida Gov. Charlie Crist and ask him about whether Jim Morrison, a.k.a. the Lizard King or Mr. Mojo Risin, deserves to be pardoned for possibly letting his peace frog out during a Miami concert some 41 years ago. Here's what Crist said:

"Candidly, it's something that I haven't given a lot of thought to, but it's something I'm willing to look into in the time I have left," said Crist. "Anything is possible."

Somehow, that doesn't seem to be much of a story, much less one that gets headlined, "Crist willing to consider Jim Morrison pardon before leaving office." While technically true, there's gotta be something better to fill the news, doesn't there?

Snoop Dogg, take me away!