3 Good Reasons to Donate to Our Annual Webathon!


We're just getting started on our annual webathon, where we're looking for 1,000 new donors to Reason Foundation, the nonprofit that publishes this website. As a 501(c)3 organization, donations to Reason Foundation are tax-deductible.

The webathon will run until Friday of this week and if you give $100, you'll get a choice of Reason books, t-shirts, and more swag than you can shake a stick at. Go here to check out the different giving levels and premiums offered.

Here are three good reasons to support Reason's Webathon '10:

1. Reason magazine. Established in 1968, Reason is the magazine of "Free Minds and Free Markets" and the nation's leading libertarian voice in debates over politics, culture, and ideas. Eleven times a year, Reason mag brings you the very best in long-form journalism and sharp columnists such as Editor in Chief Matt Welch, economist Veronique de Rugy, and culture maven Greg Beato.

2. Reason.com. Established in 1994, Reason.com is chock full of web-only material and home to our staff blog, Hit & Run, which has been named one of the country's best blogs by everyone from Washingtonian magazine to Playboy to the Los Angeles Press Club. Week after week, you'll find columns by the likes of Jacob Sullum, Ronald Bailey, and Radley Balko, along with the rest of Reason's staffers. You'll also see columns by the Chicago Tribune's Steve Chapman and Fox Business' John Stossel. Where else will you read articles and blog posts like "Obama Blames Self for Insufficiently Communicating How Awesome He's Been" or "John Boehner's Tears Are Like Acid to Freedom"?

3. Reason.tv. Established in 2007, Reason.tv is the political mag world's preeminent videojournalism site. Over the past 12 months, we cranked out almost 350 segments, including the award-winning documentary "Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey." Whether we're turning out live coverage of DC rallies, calling bullshit on GM's TARP repayment, or bestowing the honor of Nanny of the Month on some buttinsky bureaucrat, Reason.tv is bringing the very best in web video to your computer every day of the year