Replay: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Ed Schultz, Charles Rangel at Last Week's One Nation Rally…


Was it just eight days ago when kicked back with silver-throated Rep. Charles Rangel, thinned-down Rev. Al Sharpton (he blames "the recession!"), and the-enemy-of-my-friend-is-a-racist talkshow host Ed Schlutz? And rapped with Jesse Jackson about his Chicago mentor T.R.M. Howard, the "Black Maverick" who made a fortune performing abortions and advocated armed resistance for African Americans? And talked with a guy who looked so much like Neil Young we were starstruck and forgot to ask him if it's true that "welfare mothers make better lovers"? 

Yes, it was just last Saturday that those conversations - along with chats with the head of the AFL-CIO (loves the bailouts!) and the AFT (parents need good neighborhood schools teachers unions control!) - took place.

Relive the magic again with this replay from last week: reports from the "One Nation Working Together" rally for "Jobs, Justice, and Education" on Saturday, October 2 in Washington, D.C. The event was organized by the NAACP, the AFL-CIO, the American Federation of Teachers, the Service Employees International Union, and other progressive outfits.

Reason's Nick Gillespie talked with Rep. Charles Rangel, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the AFT's Randi Weingarten, MSNBC's Ed Schultz, comedian-activist Dick Gregory, Electronic Frontier Foundation co-founder Mitch Kapor, and other luminaries (including somebody who looked a helluva lot like Neil Young).

Click to learn what they had to say about the economy, the Tea Party, President Obama's tenure, whether the stimulus worked, race relations, and whether the United States is better off than it was in the 1960s.

Approx. 5 minutes. Shot and edited by Jim Epstein, with help from Josh Swain. attended the 'One Nation Working Together Rally' on the National Mall on October 2, 2010. The crowd, representing a broad cross section of political left, included groups like the United Auto Workers, United Steel Workers, Service Employees International Union, the NAACP, anti-war activists, the American Federation of Teachers, the International Socialist Organization, and many liberal and progressive groups.

Priority issues for attendees were jobs, the cost of higher education and the economy. Though the crowd was evenly divided about President Obama's first two years in office, it seemed as though everyone agreed that it's time to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Interviews by June Arunga and Kmele Foster. Shot and edited by Dan Hayes.