
Cash Vs. Momentum in the Midterms: Will Flush Fat-Cat Dems Beat Rich-in-Love Reps?


The Democratic National Committee…raised more than twice as much money in July as the Republican National Committee, and finished the month with $11 million on hand, compared with $5.3 million at the RNC.

[Rep. Chris] Van Hollen's Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is taking $36 million into the fall for its candidates, compared with the National Republican Congressional Committee's $22 million.

On the Senate side, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee reported $22.4 million on hand at the end of July, which was just north of the National Republican Senatorial Committee's $21.2 million in the bank.

In addition to the national parties, The Washington Post reports that of the 30 toss-up House seats now occupied by Democrats, 23 of the incumbents had out-raised their challengers, with one-third of those reporting $900,000 or more than their opponents.

Although the cash will significantly lift Democrats' get-out-the-vote efforts, money does not always bring victory. In 2006, for example, the NRCC outspent the DCCC by $18 million and still lost 31 seats and control of the House for the first time in 12 years.

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