
Cuban Snakepit Story


From the Wash Post:

Twenty-six patients at Cuba's largest hospital for the mentally ill died this week during a cold snap, the government said Friday.

Human rights leaders cited negligence and a lack of resources as factors in the deaths, and the Health Ministry launched an investigation that it said could lead to criminal proceedings.

Yeah, yeah, worse happens here, right? You can practically hear Michael Moore, Oliver Stone, Sean Penn, or some other Castro apologist rejoindering: "Sure, but at least they had free health care." Also from the Post story:

Communist Cuba provides free health care to all its citizens but, though the quality of its medical system is celebrated in leftist circles around Latin America, it is also plagued by shortages. Patients are expected to bring their own sheets and towels and sometimes their own food during hospital stays.

The government blames the shortages on the U.S. trade embargo, though the embargo does not prevent the direct sale of medicine or medical supplies to the island.

Whole story here.