
Reason Foundation Analyst Shikha Dalmia Wins Int'l Policy Network's Bastiat Prize For Online Journalism!


We're very happy to announce that Shikha Dalmia, a senior policy analyst at Reason Foundation, the nonprofit that publishes Reason magazine,, and, has won the first Bastiat Prize for Online Journalism, presented by the International Policy Network. In announcing the award, IPN's Julian Morris said, "Dalmia's articles for are brilliant exercises in quiet persuasion, challenging preconceptions regarding the supposed benefits of government intervention." Read more here.

Dalmia is a frequent contributor to Reason (she interviews pro-free-trade economist Jagdish Bhagwati in the new issue, on sale now). Her archive is here and her Reason archive is here.

Dalmia shares the award with Daniel Hannan, a British member of the European Parliament, a libertarian, and a vocal critic of government overreach.

Dalmia appeared in the video "Slumdog Thousandaire: What the celebrated movie can teach America about economic stimulus." Click below to watch.'s August interview with Daniel Hannan, which created international press, is below.