
Last Week's Top 5 Hits at Reason.com


Here are the top five most popular columns that ran at Reason.com between August 10 and August 14:

Big Business Goes Big for Health Care Reform: Why drug companies and insurance providers are backing ObamaCare, by John Stossel (8/13)

Medical Mosh Pits: Understanding the clashes at the health care "town halls," by Jesse Walker (8/13)

Strangers in a Strange Land: Forget man's inhumanity to man. District 9 is a deft satire of man's inhumanity to alien, by Peter Suderman (8/14)

The Godzilla Solution: The sci-fi economics of "cash for clunkers," by Shikha Dalmia (8/14)

Democracy Without Elections: It's time for the courts to recognize the plain meaning of the 17th Amendment, by Steve Chapman (8/13)