
True Crime


After Hollywood, Florida, police officer Joel Francisco rear-ended Alexandra Torrensvilas's car at an intersection, he radioed for backup. Three other police officers arrived soon, and they quickly began discussing ways to pin the accident on Torrensvilas and charge her with DUI. In fact, they were so eager to set her up, one of them forgot to turn off the audio on his dashboard camera and recorded the conversation. "I don't lie and make things up ever because it's wrong, but if I need to bend it a little bit to protect a cop, I'll do it," said Officer Dewey Pressley as he helped make up a story about how Torrensvilas was driving with a big cat in her lap that leaped from the open window, startling Francisco and causing her to swerve into his lane. After listening to the recording, the district attorney dropped all charges, and now the officers are under investigation.