Update: Latest Satellite Global Temperature Trend Data


A press release (just sent to me but not yet available online) from the satellite climatology folks at the University of Alabama at Huntsville is reporting:

Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.12 C per decade  

June temperatures (preliminary)

Global composite temp.: ±0.00 C (about 0.00 degrees Fahrenheit) above/below 20-year average for April.

Northern Hemisphere: +0.03 C (about 0.05 degrees Fahrenheit) above 20-year average for June.

Southern Hemisphere: -0.03 C (about 0.05 degrees Fahrenheit) below 20-year average for June.

May temperatures (revised):

Global Composite: +0.05 C above 20-year average

Northern Hemisphere: +0.05 C above 20-year average

Southern Hemisphere: +0.04 C above 20-year average

(All temperature variations are based on a 20-year average (1979-1998) for the month reported.) 

See also UAH climatologist Roy Spencer's report of the latest global temperature data below: