Blago Voted Off


An update on the  impeached, disgraced, former Illinois governor, who had sought permission to travel to Costa Rica in order to appear as a contestant on I'm a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here

A federal judge dashed indicted former Gov. Rod Blagojevich's reality TV dream Tuesday, refusing to give the ousted Democrat permission to travel to Costa Rica to tape a show in the jungle. U.S. District Judge James Zagel refused to modify terms of Blagojevich's bail to allow him to leave the United States, saying he needs to remain in the country to help his attorneys formulate a strategy for his defense.

The judge said that would give Blagojevich a better sense of the gravity of the legal problems he faces - including allegations he tried to auction off President Barack Obama's former U.S. Senate seat.

"I don't think this defendant fully understands and I don't think he could understand … the position he finds himself in," Zagel sat during Tuesday's the hearing.

With all due respect, perhaps The Honorable Zagel doesn't fully understands nor could understand that the American people are currently suffering through Gossip Girls, The Real Housewives of New York, and From G's to Gents. Judge Zagel has terminated any chance of watching Blago prance around a campire fire chanting, "Kill the pig! Slit her throat! Bash her in!" At the very least, there would have been some amusing scenes involving bugs:

My post from last week about the Jester of the Jungle. Reason Columnist Steve Chapman said impeachment was exactly was Blagojevich deserved and marks the former governor as one who "sees the electorate as a vast mirror reflecting his glory back on himself."