Reason Morning Links: Obama OLC Nominee Faces Opposition, Fargo Floods, Post Office Tanks


– Republican senators mounting challenge to Dawn Johnsen, Obama's nominee to head up the White House Office of Legal Counsel. Their complaint? She opposes torture and broad views of presidential power.

"My grandfather was not a monkey!"

– U.S. Postal Service running out of money, may cut delivery to five days per week.

– U.S. taking over leadership role in the war in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, new evidence that the Taliban's resurgence has been aided by Pakistani government intelligence.

John Hope Franklin, RIP.

New study in the American Journal of Public Health finds "no evidence that decriminalization of marijuana leads to increased drug use."

– Fargo braces for historic, icy flooding.

(Correction: "New" study on marijuana use not so new'"came out in 2004. My error.)