Reason Morning Links: Yoo Memos See Sunshine, Sanford Makes Sense, Simon Picks Up His Notebook


- Obama releases trove of John Yoo memos to the public. Behold the hackery here.

- There's lots for a libertarian to like in this Michael Brendan Dougherty profile of South Carolina governor and possible 2012 GOP presidential hopeful Mark Sanford.

- The Wire co-creator David Simon gets fed up with the Baltimore Sun's lackluster coverage of the city's police force, dusts off his reporter's notebook, and hits the pavement himself.

- Tanzania on the hunt for albino murderers.

- The Onion comes up with a possible explanation for the rise in government secrecy over the last several years.

- New Pew study says one in 31 Americans is either in jail, prison, on parole, or under some sort of state supervision.