
Write All Over Pending Legislation, Including the Various Bailout Bills!


PublicMarkup.org is a genuinely fascinating website, which allows you, me, and the smelly homeless guy at the public library glomming the computer terminal to have our say on pending legislation:

Welcome to PublicMarkup.org, an ongoing experiment in preparing legislation more inclusively by opening bills to online, public review.

PublicMarkup.org gives you the opportunity to review and comment on proposed bills before they are even introduced-or while they are pending-in Congress.

The site is a project of The Sunlight Foundation and is pretty damn cool.

Go to PublicMarkup.org now to see, for instance, what sort of comments "Dodd's Legislative Proposal From Treasury Department for Authority to Buy Mortgage-Related Assets" or "Treasury's Legislative Proposal From Treasury Department for Authority to Buy Mortgage-Related Assets" have garnered.

Hat Tip: Miami University's Glenn Platt, head of the Armstrong Institute for Interactive Media Studies.