
Palin Likes Polar Bears, But She Likes Oil, Too


More on the Palin/wildlife theme:

Palin sued the federal government over the addition of polar bears to the Endangered Species list. She points out that the number of polar bears in on the rise in recent decades, and explains why adding the bear to the list is a backdoor attempt to make global warming policy in a New York Times opinion piece:

The Center for Biological Diversity, which petitioned for the polar bear to be protected, wants the listing to force the government to either stop or severely limit any public or private action that produces, or even allows, the production of greenhouse gases. But the Endangered Species Act is not the correct tool to address climate change — the act itself actually prohibits any consideration of broader issues.

She did a softball interview with Glenn Beck on the topic in June (in which, incidentally, she suggests that she might say no if tapped for VP). They discuss the fact that Alaska bargained its way into the union by promising to be pretty much self-sufficient. Interesting.