The Broun Sound


Iconoclastic Georgia Rep. Paul Broun (R), whom I profiled late last year, has beaten back a primary challenge from the speaker of the state House.

Fleming raised more than $920,000 in the run-up to the election, keeping pace with the roughly $1 million raised by Broun.

Both candidates pledged to represent conservative values, with Fleming promising to "walk the walk" for traditional family values and Broun vowing to unravel the federal government's "huge ball of twine of socialism."

Throughout the campaign, Fleming took aim at Broun's votes, calling his philosophy "strange and outlandish." Broun, meanwhile, insisted the votes helped limit the government.

With most of the vote counted, Broun has buried Fleming in a 42-point landslide. Yes, Broun was the guy who wanted to ban dirty magazines on military bases, but that's the rare issue on which he's worse (or as bad) as the rank-and-file Republican.