
Romney Resigns, Blames Porn for Black Babies


Romney's out, and here's what he chose to emphasize in his speech on the way out:

Tolerance for pornography—even celebration of it—and sexual promiscuity, combined with the twisted incentives of government welfare programs have led to today's grim realities: 68% of African American children are born out-of-wedlock, 45% of Hispanic children, and 25% of White children. How much harder it is for these children to succeed in school—and in life. A nation built on the principles of the founding fathers cannot long stand when its children are raised without fathers in the home.

By the logic of this paragraph, you download a two minute clip of girl-on-girl action, and the next thing you know there are little black babies popping up everywhere, wishing that George Washington was their daddy.

Oy. I kind of liked Romney, but this is brutal. I blame Romney's venue, CPAC, which brings out the worst in everyone.

UPDATE: At least there's this:

Most politicians don't seem to understand the connection between our ability to compete and our national wealth, and the wealth of our families. They act as if money just happens–that it's just there. But every dollar represents a good or service produced in the private sector. Depress the private sector and you depress the well-being of Americans….

It's high time to lower taxes, including corporate taxes, to take a weed-whacker to government regulations, to reform entitlements, and to stand up to the increasingly voracious appetite of the unions in our government!