Barack and the Dynasty Card
"Libertarian Democrat" (and occasional reason contributor) Terry Michael counsels the man who would be our second black president:
Barack, it's time to play the dynasty card.
Nobody's going to fault you for saying it outright. Obviously, you were not to the manner born. You are leading a movement--white, black, brown and more, male and female, gay and straight--which sees the worth of each liberty loving individual as the inspiration for, and strength of our pluralistic democracy.
Courtesans attending the regents Bill and Hillary are seeking a restoration of power for themselves. They demand it. They believe they deserve it. You represent the rest of us, Senator Obama, and you need not be shy about making your charge clear--no matter how down 'n dirty our First Black President wants to get in order to restore himself to that real estate on Pennsylvania Avenue.
I'm not sure I follow the arguments swirling around Obama, who remains a good speechifier but pretty much of an empty suit to my mind so far. And it does seem like Hillary Clinton is actually working hard to become president, unlike, say Rudy Giuliani or, before he completely flat-lined, Fred Thompson. (Not that a work ethic is necessarily what you want in a president either.)
But an intra-party slugfest is always kind of fun, and the Barack-Hillary one seems likely to be one of the more entertaining ones we'll see in recent memory.
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